2025 Avtor: Daisy Haig | [email protected]. Nazadnje spremenjeno: 2025-01-24 12:42
Imate pršice? Vsekakor upam, da ne … toda če ste kot nekatere moje stranke, ste morda prepričani, da se vaša mačka preprosto ne more znebiti okužbe z ušesnimi pršicami (čeprav so to že leta). Ali morda živi večinoma zunaj in je kronično izpostavljen in nenehno okužen, v tem primeru bi morali res nekaj storiti glede tega.
Ne glede na primer … pomoč je.
Pravzaprav vam ušesne pršice ne smejo predstavljati težav … nikoli. Res.
Tukaj je suh na teh bitjih: ušesne pršice so majhna bitja arahnoidnega videza, ki uživajo v toplem in vlažnem okolju, ki ga zagotavlja povprečno uho. Čeprav so bolj specifični za mačke, jih lahko dobijo tudi psi. Znano je, da ljudje celo ujamejo kakšno napako ali dve, čeprav je prenos resno izpostavljen (na primer igranje z ušesi takoj po rifanju po kupu ušesnih pršic).
Če vas zanima, kaj je s človeško okužbo, obstaja dejanski zapis v JAVMA (Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association), približno leta 1993, kjer se je neustrašen (čeprav nekoliko mazohističen) veterinar namerno okužil z ušesnimi pršicami. Poleg tega, da je svetu pokazal, kako srhljivi so nekateri veterinarji, je trdil, da ima znanstveno slavo, da - razumite - okužbe ušesnih pršic resnično srbijo. Genij!
indeed, if this veterinarian’s findings are any guide, cats with ear mite infections experience a crackly crunching sound in their ears…and they’re plagued with extreme itchiness, too, enough to yield the telltale signs of an infestation: claw marks about the ear and head from their vigorous scratching.
looking at one up close is enough to induce delusional parasitosis, right?
though usually easily diagnosed by swabbing out the ear and checking the characteristically brown-black, crusty material under a microscope for signs of seemingly extraterrestrial life, it’s not always that easy in some early cases…or when owners have already initiated a battery of otc treatments.
if there’s one thing that makes me crazy it’s the sale of veterinary products (like parasitacides) at supermarkets and feed stores for conditions that are easily misdiagnosed by laypersons. sure, they can work, but ear mite treatment is soooo much easier when…
1. you know for sure that’s what you’re treating (as opposed to another kind of ear infection), and…
2. you use the right stuff.
acarexx and milbemite are two readily available preparations for the topical (in ear) treatment of ear mites. after two doses, two weeks apart, over 90% of my patients are cured (the remaining 10% get an extra treatment in another couple of weeks). no twice daily ear drops for indefinite periods of time. no pyrethrins toxicity as with some otc products.
need something to prevent future infections? revolution and advantage-multi are both labeled for the treatment and control of ear mites. that means that both products will kill ear mites as well as prevent future infections. in kittens, i’ll use revolution over the stronger acarexx and milbemite in an off label manner: 3 doses, each two weeks apart. (the revolution gets applied on the back of the neck, not in the ears.)
see how easy it is? and you didn’t even have to put ear mites in your own ears to reap the benefits of this veterinary information.
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